Honey to the Bee

Monday, August 18, 2008

Home Sweet New Home!!!

Ok, so it's been over a month since I wrote but I've truly been in a state of chaos! We had put applications in on 2 houses and got the one closest to Tom's office! Then came the work. I hate packing and that is putting it very, very, very, mildly. I dream that one day we will make enough money that I can hire someone to pack everything for me! Tom's dream is that he makes enough money that we can rent a dumpster and invite the Elders and Young Men over to throw out all the old furniture, move, and then buy new furniture and have it delivered and set up! Stop laughing so hard, I said it was a dream!!! We didn't find out that we had been accepted to rent our new house until the 17th of July and even then we still had to get special approval. Once the lease was signed we found out that we couldn't move in until the 8th of August and the girls would start at their new school on August 11th. I started the dreaded job of packing and oh by the way did I mention that Tom was in St. Louis on a business trip that week. It's just my luck. The Lord is trying to teach me to be better prepared. I had hoped to take posession of the new house before we had to be out of the old house thus making it possible to avoid using too many boxes by moving things over a little at a time. Haha!!! I spent the first week of August throwing things in boxes and the 7th - 9th of August listening to my husband complain we have too much junk! I then spent the 12th of August at the doctors being told I had a sinus infection and a few other non-metionable infections. My Mom arrived the 13th to help whip the house into shape and boy was I grateful. I can now cook in my kitchen and we have been able to retire the paper and plastic goods back to the cupboard. My health is improving and after one week I was able to find ( Honey have you seen the other box of cables?) and assemble the computer. When I checked my e-mail I had 100 unopend messages. That's what I get for not finding the computer parts sooner. Our old ward have recently seemed to become semi-professonal movers as we were the third, or was that fourth, family to move out this summer. We were truly blessed to have so many wonderful friends who lended trailers, themselves, their children and their fuel to get us moved. Then they out did themselves by coming back to the old house and insisting on helping me clean the entire house!!!! We could not have done it without them! The next morning we attended our new ward. We were late and the girls all had to go to the bathroom so Tom walked in to find us seats just as the speakers were being announced. Just picture this. We're exhausted and both Tom and I had lost our voices. He's looking for seats and hears" We will next hear from the Gamble's who have recently moved into our ward." He said he looked around totally suprised and was grateful to see a young couple already sitting on the stand! As it turns out our world just keeps getting smaller. Our new bishop is friends with our old home teacher, one of the couples had a singing group my sister-in-law was in while growing up, and the sister I decided to sit next to when I walked in late for Relief Society is close friends with a good friend from our old ward! The couple that was speaking is not related to us, but are from the Blackfoot, ID area, God's country as Tom calls it. Our old bishop grew up in the area and his parents are in the ward we share the building with. I hope to have the house all unpacked, and de-junked with in the next month but who knows if that is a pipe dream or not. Life in AZ is hot but we are blessed to know so many wonderful people. Our new address is 2635 E Elmwood St., Mesa, AZ 85213. Phone numbers have remained the same.